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CITY, ND – ( The Sisters of Mary of the Presentation move from France to the United States in the early 1900’s. On July 13 the order celebrated 50 years of Maryvale located northwest of Valley City.

The celebration started with a Mass by Bishop John Folda of the Fargo Diocese. Hundreds of people attended the Mass and the open house with a light supper and tours. Maryvale is located northwest of Valley City at 11550 River Road. Here are a few highlights of the celebration at Maryvale.

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Bishop John Folda and Daryl Nelson the son of James & Susan Nelson of rural Valley City. Photos by Steve Urness.
Bishop John Folda and Daryl Nelson the son of James & Susan Nelson of rural Valley City. Photos by Steve Urness.

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Above: Father Steven visits with a friend during the celebration at Maryvale.

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 L to R Arlen Huber visits with Msg Dennis Skonjeng. Photos by Steve Urness.

L to R Arlen Huber visits with Monsignor Dennis Skonseng, the pastor at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in Valley City. Photos by Steve Urness.

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Seated is Sister Marguerita visiting with a former student. Sister Marguerita just celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year. Photos by Steve Urness.
Seated is Sister Marguerita visiting with a former student. Sister Marguerita just celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year. Photos by Steve Urness.

Below are a few pieces of artwork done by Sisters of Mary of the Presentation, old photos and historic statues inside Maryvale. Photos taken by Steve Urness.

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