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ND – The North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center annual field day will be held Tuesday, July 14.
“This is our premiere summer event to showcase the center’s research program,” says Greg Endres, Extension area agronomist at the center.
Two crop tours will give participants opportunities to view research trials and receive current production information. Crop variety performance and production management, and pest and plant nutrition/soil management will be highlighted.
The morning tour will begin at 9:30 a.m. It will include a review of spring and durum wheat, barley and dry bean cultivars by NDSU plant breeders. Endres and Extension agronomist Joel Ransom will discuss the status of corn, soybeans and end-of-season management. In addition, Blaine Schatz, CREC director and agronomist, will give an update on cool-season legumes with emphasis on field peas.
Following a noon lunch, tour participants may attend a second crop tour starting at 1 p.m. that will focus on two areas:
Crop Pest Management:
* Michael Wunsch, CREC plant pathologist, will provide an update on managing white mold (sclerotinia) in soybeans, dry beans and sunflowers.
* Richard Zollinger and Kirk Howatt, weed scientists, will review this season’s weed management challenges and recommendations.
* Andrew Friskop, Extension plant pathologist, will review the impact and management of small-grain diseases.
Plant Nutrition and Soil Management:
* Mike Ostlie, CREC research agronomist, will review work with winter rye in soybeans for soil protection and weed suppression.
* John Nowatzki, Extension agricultural machine systems specialist, and Paulo Flores, CREC nutrient management specialist, will lead a discussion on research with unmanned aerial systems.
* Jasper Tebow, CREC soil scientist, will highlight research work at the center and recommendations on sulfur management.
* Endres, Nowatzki and Ransom will review recommendations and methods for postemergence nitrogen (N) application in corn to increase yield and post-anthesis N application to increase protein in spring wheat.
In addition to the agronomy tours, field day visitors will have the opportunity to attend fruit, livestock and sustainable agriculture tours.
For more information, contact the CREC at (701) 652-2951 or visit its website at