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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Dam flood storage is nearly evacuated according to the Army Corps of Engineers.
According to their release, the pool elevation is near the summer target of 1,431 feet. Pipestem Dam releases began yesterday to evacuate flood storage as outlined in the water control manual. Jamestown Dam releases have been decreased from 300 cfs to 125 cfs while Pipestem will see an increase to 160 cfs.
Pipestem Dam is currently at pool elevation 1452.4 ft, which results in 8.4 percent of the flood pool occupied. Inflows are 60 cfs. Jamestown Reservoir is currently at pool elevation 1431.0 ft, at the base of the flood pool. Inflows are 125 cfs.
Throughout the summer Jamestown Dam releases will be adjusted to match the inflow in order to maintain the summer target pool elevation. Pipestem Dam flood storage will be evacuated in June, July, and August, with a release around 160 cfs. The combined release will vary over the summer as Jamestown Dam releases are adjusted. All releases may change depending on rain.