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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Council met in regular session on June 1st at the Jamestown City Hall to discuss city issues for the month.

The meeting was brief, but busy as many different items were approved and discussed. All items on the consent agenda were approved and they included re-allocation of up to 80 acres for a crew camp at the JSDC Spiritwood property, street dance permits for the Corner Bar, and payment for the Civic Center seating replacement project.

A big item discussed during the meeting was needed repairs on the 1.5 million gallon water tower East of Cavendish Farms. City Engineer Reed Schwartzkopf stated that it had been budgeted to do the repair work on the inside of the tower. He pointed out that large chunks of the inside paint job were floating in the water and the inside would need to be repaired. Residents that accept water from the tower will be notified when repairs begin.

At the end of the meeting, Councilman Steve Brubakken brought up the recent heavy rainfall and the progress on the storm drain repairs. Engineer Schwartzkopf pointed out that steps were being taken to fix the found deterioration that was found during the initial cleaning process. He also pointed out that the work that has been done so far really helped during the heavy rains in May.

Currently, Schwartzkopf is awaiting opinions on what steps should be taken to fix the deterioration and finish up the storm drain clean-up.