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CITY, ND – A volunteer crew of more than 20 students, faculty, staff and family members collected 24 bags of trash on a 3-mile stretch of Interstate-94 east of Valley City.
The Faculty Senate of Valley City State University organized this spring’s highway cleanup on Earth Day, April 22.
The highway cleanup was just part of a week long series of VCSU events related to Earth Day, including informational tables in the student center, park cleanup by VCSU athletic teams, and a campus cleanup event sponsored by the Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation Club.
The university’s Earth Day Celebration will culminate with a special Spring Festival, to be held on campus Wednesday, May 6, beginning at 5:30 p.m. That event will feature live music performances, kids’ activities and games, vendor tables, a seedling tree giveaway, tours of the environmentally friendly Rhoades Science Center, a 125th anniversary exhibit in Allen Memorial Library and a picnic supper. The event will be open to the public free of charge.
Above photo of Earth Day cleanup crew. (Front row L to R) DeAnn Schmitt, Natalie Monilaws, Kecia Ellison, Maren Stegner, Erica Bunn, Betty Schumacher, Al Shumacher, (Back row L to R) Joe Tykwinski, Hilde van Gijssel, Todd Rogelstad, Derek Burchill and Tony Dutton.