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City, ND (Story Submitted) Local Chapter Members Receive National Awards

The Sheyenne River Valley Chapter of the North Country Trail Association held its annual meeting on Saturday, April 11, at the Valley City Eagles Club.  The group shared plans for the development and maintenance of the North Country Trail this summer which includes removing downed trees across the trail, installing directional signage, stop signs, brochure boxes and interpretive panels along the trail, and installing boardwalks in several low areas or filling in low spots with gravel.  Their goal is to make the hikers’ experience an enjoyable one!

The Sheyenne River Valley Chapter is responsible for all of the North Country Trail located between the northern border of Griggs County and the northern border of Fort Ransom State Park but also do quite a bit of work south to the eastern border of the Sheyenne State Forest south of Fort Ransom.

2014 Chapter Awards

The group has regularly scheduled work days along with monthly hikes during the summer months or other fun events throughout the year.  In 2014 active members of the chapter volunteered 843.5 hours towards the development, management or maintenance of the North Country Trail.  The chapter hosted 6 regular work days last year for a total of 294 hours in trail development and doesn’t include the mowing of nearly 75 miles of existing trail.  This total was down from 421 in 2013. 

Several chapter members have been recognized by the North Country Trail Association National Headquarters for their outstanding achievements in working for or on the trail.  These awards were presented during the meeting.  

Chris Hoffarth was the recipient of the Sheyenne River Valley Chapter Award which is given to an individual or household who demonstrates loyalty, commitment and hard work annually to the local organization’s chosen activities.  As chairman of the chapter’s Trail Development Committee, Hoffarth has been instrumental in routing, developing, organizing and supervising the construction of 4.5 miles of trail through Valley City, 2.7 miles in the Sheyenne State Forest, 4.3 miles of Ladies Line Trail, .9 miles of the Clausen Springs Loop and .5 miles of the Robert Lee segment.  As part of the Recreational Trails Program he has researched route from the Sheyenne State Forest in Ransom County to Lake Ashtabula in Barnes County.  He has helped to scout, route, mark and mow 29 new miles of trail so far on the ground, installed creek and ditch crossings, dug rocks, cleared fallen trees and helped map the new segments.  

In the off season, Hoffarth is on the computer using Google Earth to scout trail routes in advance of the next year’s work.  In the field, he has a keen eye for the best routes through, around or over hills, ravines, creeks or marshes and, as an engineer, has a quick mind for solutions to problems that may come up during work events.

The Friend of the Trail award was given to Cindy Schwehr, member of the Barnes County Commission.  This award is given to an employee of a unit of governance, organization or school whose leadership, accommodations and active collaboration have substantially benefited the North Country Trail or the NCTA, not working solely in the capacity of an NCTA member. Schwehr has been a valuable asset to the Sheyenne River Valley Chapter over the past few years.  In 2011, as President of the Barnes County Commission and on their behalf, she signed and donated an easement for over 7 miles of trail along county road rights-of-way to assure continuous trail between otherwise isolated segments.  

In addition, as a chapter member, Schwehr was a crucial member of the fundraising committee for the 2009 Conference held in Valley City, arranging for a school bus and people mover for conference events, and driving the people mover for conference events.  Schwehr also participates in trail construction occasionally, served on the events committee, takes in chapter events as she is available and provides refreshments as needed.  

Bobby Koepplin was awarded the Trail Builder award which is given to a volunteer, whose work in Trail planning, landowner negotiations, layout and design, and/or construction, have resulted in the development of outstanding new trail or facilities over a three (3) or more year period.  Koepplin was instrumental in the acquisition of 5.5 miles of rail bed from Kathryn Dam to Clausen Springs Recreational Area.  He also coordinated work with several Boy Scouts to develop the trail from Kathryn to Clausen Springs, from Fort Ransom through Fort Ransom State Park and a segment at Lake Ashtabula.  Koepplin worked to get an agreement with North Dakota Parks and Recreation for the maintenance at the Sheyenne State Forest.  He worked with a Recreational Trails grant to acquire easements for 29 miles of new trail and an Outdoor Heritage grant to acquire more easements to fill in the gaps between segments from the Sheyenne State Forest to Valley City along with a couple of short gaps up at Lake
Ashtabula.  Koepplin also organized First Aid/CPR, Chainsaw and ATV training for the chapter members.  He currently serves as Chapter President.

The North Country National Scenic Trail is a premier footpath that stretches 4,600 miles linking communities, forests, and prairies across seven northern states.  From Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota to Crown Point, New York, the trail connects North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.  When completed the North Country Trail will be the longest scenic hiking trail in America.  

Certified segments include about 35 miles of trail from Baldhill Dam north along the West side of Lake Ashtabula, 4.5 miles through Valley City, 4.3 miles from Kathryn to Clausen Springs Recreation Area including a sweet little hike around the lake there, 2.2 miles in Fort Ransom State Park, 4.2 miles in the Sheyenne State Forest and 27 miles in the Sheyenne National Grasslands.    There are many more miles which are not yet certified but are just as much fun to hike!

The Sheyenne River Valley Chapter also offers regularly scheduled hikes and fun events annually April through September. Check out their website for the current Calendar of Events.  The chapter is always looking for new members who are interested in hiking, building trail or just promoting an excellent local and national amenity that allows for wonderful outdoor recreation!  For more information on the North Country National Scenic Trail visit the website at, email or call the NCTA Office at 1-866-hikeNCT (445-3628).