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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown and rural residents came out to hear more about the proposed Two Rivers Activity Center in the city.

Several TRAC Board Members discussed with the public what the new center would bring to the community and the financial costs to build what has been proposed. Board member Amy Walters opened the meeting and helped explain to the forum why the different entities were involved in the project.

More information was provided, including fiscal and workforce issues, to the community forum, which had roughly 50 people attend. Interesting questions were asked to the board members including why the vote was not being held county wide since some rural communities used the current James River Family Fitness Center.

One question that a lot of residents agreed on was what would happen if the one percent city sales tax did not pass in the June 2nd Special Election, and board members agreed that the focus of the community forums was the goal to get it to pass. According to Executive Director of James River Family Fitness Center, there is no plan B.

More community forums are scheduled around the community of Jamestown. Stay tuned to NewsDakota.com for more information on each meeting and the special election.