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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A newly formed group in Jamestown is putting on their second event on April 9th at the Reiland Fine Arts Center.
Development Director for the James River Valley Library System Bill Kennedy stated that local artists would be reading from their books and answering questions for individuals that are inspired to begin writing or getting published.
According to Kennedy, Read Local is the only adult program with the library, but there are talks about creating more programs. The reading and signing event will be Thursday, April 9th at 7:00 PM in Jamestown. 20% of all proceeds from the event will benefit the James River Valley Library.
Authors in the event include Bruce Berg, Bill Kennedy, Nancy Kuykendall, Keith Norman, Larry Woiwode, Laurel Woiwode, Jim Stone. A small performance by Violist Brooke Carroll will also take place that evening.