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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – District meetings are being held throughout the Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative service area beginning today.
The schedule was announced earlier this month. The meetings will give members a chance to learn more about the cooperative’s services and activity. Meetings in Dickey, LaMoure and Wyndmere will be caucus meetings to allow those districts to nominate potential directors. Meals will be provided during the meetings.
Below is a full list of meetings and times.
Noon, Monday, March 9; Kulm
6 p.m., Monday, March 9; Dickey
Noon, Tuesday, March 10; Oakes
Noon, Wednesday, March 11; Rutland
Noon, Monday, March 16; Wahpeton
6 p.m., Monday, March 16; Hankinson
Noon, Wednesday, March 18; Edgeley
Noon, Thursday, March 19; LaMoure
6 p.m., Thursday, March 19; Wyndmere