JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Real Estate Blog Movoto has listed it’s top 10 safest places to live in North Dakota and several communities in the region have made the list.
Using the Uniform Crime Report from the FBI in 2012, they split crimes into four different categories and omitted communities with populations less than 2,000. The study came up with the top 18 safest places to live in North Dakota. Among the top is Jamestown, Lisbon and Carrington.
In 2012, just 248 total crimes were reported in the community of Carrington. All of them were property crimes. That means there were no murders, rapes, robberies or assaults for the entire year, making it the safest.
Click the image below for a full rundown of the top 18 safest places to live in North Dakota.