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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown is calling out for members of the community to come forward and fill the many positions on various committees and boards for the Jamestown.

The city is currently accepting applications for the following positions:

? One opening on the Planning Commission-vacancy-4 year term
? One opening on the Special Assessment Commission-unexpired term-2 years
? One opening on the Board of Adjustments-3 year term
? Two openings on the Civil Service Commission-5 year term-unexpired term-1 year
? One opening on the Fire Code Board of Appeals-3 year term
? One opening on the Law Enforcement Center Governing Board-4 year term
? One opening on the Regional Airport Authority-5 year term

If interested in serving on one of the committees or boards, you can complete an “Application for Appointment”. The application is available at City Hall or by calling 701-252-5900. Applications are due by December 10th.