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CITY, N.D. ( The April CROP WALK for HUNGER received ,371 in donations with ,274 going to the local Barnes County Food Pantry.
JoAnn Korf, Barnes County Food Pantry director, states that there continues to be a great need in our county for food. About 50 households each month come to the Food Pantry, located at the Barnes County Senior Center.
Dolly Hoelmer, who also works with the Food pantry identified that not only food is requested, but that individuals and family also need personal items such as diapers, toothpaste, toilet paper, and laundry soap.
During the summer season various people bring in fresh garden produce as does the Community Garden; fresh vegetables are always appreciated.
The CROP Walk for Hunger is held every spring in Valley City and everyone in the area is invited to walk. Twenty percent of the funds are donated to the Food Pantry to purchase perishable foods such as milk and meat for individuals and families that receive food boxes.
CROP is the hunger relief arm of Church World Service. CWS’s work began in 1946, in the aftermath of the Second World War, with a mission to feed the hungry and help those in need. For more information please contact Sharon Buhr at 845-5197.