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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Senator Heidi Heitkamp has announced that she will be Jamestown, North Dakota to tour the Anne Carlsen Center and meet with Jamestown area Veterans.
At 8:45 AM on Monday, August 4th, Senator Heitkamp will be touring the Anne Carlsen Center to meet with facility, staff and the children and families that rely on the service. Afterwards at 12:00 PM, Heitkamp will be having lunch with local veterans to discuss a new veterans bill that she has introduced. She will also be presenting a U.S. flag to WWII vet, Ernie Hubacker for both his service to the military and volunteer commitment to Jamestown.
Senator Heitkamp has several other stops during her time in North Dakota. On August 6th at Froemke Auditorium in Valley City, Heitkamp will be holding a round-table discussion with USDA Under Secretary Bonnie to discuss conversation compliance as well as local farmers and conservation in North Dakota and how the Farm Bill’s requirements impact farmers.