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CITY, N.D. ( Mary Simonson has been involved with the Special Olympics North Dakota for 3 decades and now she’s in the Hall of Fame. Simonson says, “I am truly honored and humbled to receive this recognition.”
As the executive director of the Open Door Center Simonson realized the clients did not have the opportunity to fulfill their social and recreational needs.
Simonson helped build support for the Special Olympics and encouraged clients of the Open Door Center to participate in the program. She was a member of the SOND task force that developed and implemented the pilot program which now has more than 20 unified teams in both soccer and in volleyball.
She also helped pioneer the unified sports concept in which people with and without disabilities participated, trained and competed together.
When Special Olympics North Dakota was faced with the fear of being no longer because of the needed funding, Simonson made phone calls and knocked on doors asking for money. Not only has Mary recruited human and financial resources, she is also generous personally according to those who have worked with her over the last 30 years.

Simonson and several other individuals, organizations and businesses throughout the state were honored for their dedication and support of Special Olympics North Dakota during a banquet in Fargo on November 16.