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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Two Jamestown Dollars for Scholars members attended the 6th annual North Dakota Dollars for Scholars Conference in Bismarck on Saturday, November 2nd.

Gayle Nelson and Tena Lawrence of the Jamestown Dollars for Scholars learned about volunteer recruitment and fund raising. Just for attending the conference, The Jamestown Chapter will receive a $1,000 scholarship donation from the Bank of North Dakota. North Dakota Dollars for Scholars has 80 community chapters in the state. Since it’s founding in 1962, Dollars for Scholars chapters have raised over $27 million and have helped over 22,500 students.

The Jamestown chapter plans to give $17,500 to local high school students and recent graduates attending college. Families can donate to the chapter to help as well by submitting payment to Jamestown Dollars for Scholars, PO Box 269, Jamestown ND 58402 or by contacting any board member.

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