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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On Tuesday, October 1st, the revolutionary healthcare system created by President Barack Obama became available and with it, problems.
Since it has been up and running, people have run into problems with the website. Glitches causing people to lose input information, unable to get past security questions. A number of things preventing people from signing up with roughly 1% of people successfully completing it. With the website problems, people are questioning whether this is a sign that the site doesn’t want people to sign up for it.
Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, is optimistic that ObamaCare will be fixed.
Blue Cross Blue Shield wants North Dakotans to wait for these glitches to be ironed out. Andrea Dineen with Blue Cross released the following quote on ObamaCare.
“We encourage North Dakotans to wait several weeks to enroll while the glitches are being sourced and resolved on the federal exchange. North Dakotans have until December 15 to enroll, for health insurance coverage beginning on January 1, 2014.
The Affordable Care Act is complex and means different things to different people. Helping our members and all North Dakotans understand the impact, options and changes the law brings are at the heart of our educational efforts. Resources are available in Blue Cross Blue Shield offices across the state, by phone at 800-280-BLUE (2583) or online at ItStartsWithBlueND.com.”