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N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – It is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain trees and shrubbery. When this responsibility is neglected, it becomes the duty of the City to clear overgrowth that threatens public safety. In some cases, the only answer is removal of the tree or shrub. This is a clearance procedure and should not be mistaken for a complete pruning of the tree. If a complete pruning is needed, have your trees pruned by a City licensed local tree service.

The City Street Department Crews along with the City Forester will be conducting annual tree branch clearing in the Northeast section of the city beginning October 21, weather permitting. Once the Northeast is finished Street Dept. Crews will then move to the Southeast section of the city. Tree and shrub branches that are overhanging streets and alleys in these areas will be removed to prevent interference with traffic and City maintenance equipment in accordance with City Ordinances. City of Jamestown residents can find the Municipal Code at:


City Ordinances states:

That trees must be a minimum of 16 feet high above the curb to curb where there is truck traffic. This includes not only boulevard trees but any tree on a property with branches extending out over the street.

That in alleys, overhanging branches of trees must be 16 feet high and a minimum of 20 feet wide to allow City maintenance and City Sanitation equipment access.

That tree branches interfering with the view of any traffic signs and signals be removed so as to be easily viewed within 100 feet of the sign or signal as well as any tree or shrub branches affecting vision obstructions at street and alley corners.

Other items that City Crews will watch for include:

1. Any potential hazard, which includes but is not limited to:

a) Any totally dead branches or partially dead branches above the clearance zones may be removed. Once the lower branches are removed these dead branches may lose support and fall causing hazardous situations.

b) Any trees that have signs of hollowness in the trunk. These trees should be removed completely. The City forester will be notified to examine the tree before the removal process.

2. Any trees with stubs left from prior pruning will be removed to a healthy crotch. These stubs may be dead or dying back and/or have flushes of growth that are weakly attached to the branch and subject to easy breakage in wind or storm conditions.

If citizens of Jamestown have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Doug Wiles, City Forester, at City Hall by phone at 252-5900, ext. 142.

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