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N.D. ( – “Almost every year, Stutsman County goes into a flood warning and the reason for the warning is because the Pipestem Gage is in the flood stage.”

Emergency Manager/9-1-1 Coordinator Jerry Bergquist stated that he didn’t think the flood stages are correct.

Right now, 8 feet calls for action, 9 feet calls for minor action, 11 feet calls for moderate action and 13 feet calls for major action. The National Weather Service proposed that the stages be raised by one foot.

Jerry will send a letter to the National Weather Service to raise the gage two feet higher, making the action stage to be 10 feet, the minor stage to be 11 feet, the moderate stage to be 13 feet and the major stage to be 15 feet. Jerry hopes these changes will provide better and more accurate results in the future for flood warnings and watches.

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