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FORKS, N.D. ( No major flooding is in the forecast for cities along the Sheyenne River Valley according to the National Weather Service. Here’s Meteorologist Brad Hopkins.
Right now the risk of major flooding in Valley City and Lisbon is low. Hopkins said there’s about a 50 percent chance the Sheyenne River in Lisbon will reach 14 feet and a 50 percent chance the Sheyenne will reach 12.5 feet in Valley City this spring.
Hopkins said there’s a good chance for overland flooding along the Sheyenne River in Eddy County this spring.
Meanwhile recent snowfall increased the chances of a 2-foot rise on Devils Lake this summer. The National Weather Service says the chance is now about 90 percent, up from about 50 percent earlier this month.
And the National Weather Service says residents along the Red River in Fargo should prepare for one of the top five floods in their history. There’s a 50 percent chance that the river will top 38 feet.