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(  Here are the minutes from the Carrington City Council meeting from Monday, October 8th.

Ottertail Power Company and Northern Plains Electric want to reevaluate the service area maps in the Carrington area.  Some customers are listed as users in the other companies territory.  City Council voted for further discussion into the matter.


9-15-12  1 mile west of Foster County line, controlled burn turned in by a passer by, 10 men responded.

9-17  City Park/Kracht Implement area, search for missing girls in coordination with Foster County Sheriffs Office, Carrington PD and the Emergency Manager, found the girls about 8:15p, 10 men responded.

9-21  6 miles east of Carrington, house fire with fatality, 19 men responded.

9-23  6 miles east of Carrington, re-ignite of prior house fire, 10 men responded.

10-02  8 miles north, 11 east, cleaning out combine and started grass fire, grass-fire was put out before we arrived on scene, stood on stand by until they finished the clean-out of the combine, 15 men responded.

9-22  had a very decent turnout for the fire school.  7 of Carrington’s fire fighters are now eligible to go through the advanced course at Fire School, several were at the house fire the night before and still attended the full class.

10-11  The Fire Department will be having the Kindergarten classes visit the Fire Hall and then visit the second grade classes.  They will be passing out books and badges to both classes.  October is Fire Prevention Month.  Books are from Community Safety Net provided to the Fire Department at no charge.

Welcomed a new Fire Fighter at the last meeting.

Finance and legal:

A motion was allowed to let the Police Department spend $1500 on a noise meter, to measure any noise complaints across the city.

Ramsey and Stutsman county residents will get a $10 increase on their water bill to help cover costs of the new water plant.

The Airport weather station’s sensor is back up and running, a tech from California will install some new pieces of equipment as well, should be completed by the end of next week.

State Babe Ruth Tournament will be held in Carrington next summer.  Volunteers and committee members will be needed.

Library:  completed their e-reading.

Public Works:  will be flushing sewer systems and hydrants this month, listen to KDAK for more info, will be sweeping streets for the next month as well.







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