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CITY ( The annual Rally In the Valley Community Days event in Valley City is set for June 15 to 17.

The All 80’s School Reunion mix and mingle will be at the Eagles Club Friday, June 15 from 6pm to 9pm. Online registration is available at or send a check to All 80’s Reunion c/o Kristi Wieland 1610 115th street S.E., Dazey, N.D. 58429.

On Saturday, June 16 the “Bill Jansen Road Race” starts at 8am and the parade with the all 80’s float and the alumni band running down Central Avenue starts at 10am…again the Community Days parade starts at 10am Saturday, June 16.

Anyone interested in playing in the Alumni Basketball Games at the Audi should contact Rory Beil at 701-893-6366 if you want to play. The games start at 4pm Saturday, June 16 in the Audi.