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(NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Council approved giving ,585 in Visitor’s Promotion Capital Construction Funds to the Frontier Village Board at Monday night’s city council meeting.
Frontier Village Board President Charlie Tanata says the money will be used to renovate and repair the old Eldridge Town Hall, which is a new addition at the Frontier Village.
The motion passed unanimously, but not before council members Ken Schulz, Pat Nygaard and Ramone Gumke raised concerns about setting a bad precedent for the future. Previously, all requests for Capital Construction Funds have gone through the Buffalo City Tourism Site Committee for consideration before going before the city council for final approval.
Tanata said the Frontier Village failed to request the funds through the site committee when they were supposed too last year because they did not have the required two bids for the project.
There has since been major turnover on the Frontier Village Board, and Mayor Katie Andersen said she did not think it was right to punish the current board for the mistakes of the past board.
The site committee previously awarded $13,850 to the Frontier Village for use in 2011 on a similar project, but the money was not used. The city basically reallocated that money back to the Frontier Village, along with about an additional $10,000 to fund the entire proposed project.