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City, N.D. – The proof is in the erosion, that’s what Valley City and Barnes County need to do when future flooding damages the banks of the Sheyenne River.
City Commissioner Matt Pedersen urged the city to participate in an upcoming “Cost of Erosion” study with the county. He says the State Water Commission is open to a cost share agreement.
The State Water Commission stated it will pay for damage caused by erosion after a flood. A study of the current condition is needed first to get a baseline.
The engineering firm of Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson will submit an estimate of the cost of erosion study. The city will decide later whether or not to participate. The estimated cost for the city survey is about $20,000 but the water commission could pick up 80 percent or all of the tab.
During Monday’s Barnes County Water Resource District meeting the board approved a request by the Barnes County Commission to submit a request to the State Water Commission that would allow county to conduct a Sheyenne River bank erosion study.
Commissioner John Froehlich told the board the study would cost an estimated $45,000 through the engineering firm of Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson to get an unbiased baseline of the current conditions of the river bank.
Froehlich said the state water commission may pickup some or all of the cost. He said if the state doesn’t the county will pay for it. He said the request has to come through the water district board. The water board unanimously approved starting the request process.
Froehlich said according to KLJ, the river bank erosion study could take 6 to 8 weeks to complete.
Valley City officials said earlier this month they would be willing to help pay for the city portion of the cost share study.