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City, N.D. – On October 4 Valley City residents will go to the polls to vote on whether or not to keep the city administrator position.

Vote “NO” spokesman Keith Hovland says he hopes voters can separate the importance of keeping the position versus any personal differences with the man now holding the position.

Vote “YES” supporter Brian Mindt says the city ran smoothly without a city administrator before one was installed in 2005. He says the position is expensive and unnecessary for city taxpayers.
Valley City resident Lloyd Nelson says the track record of what a past city administrator and the current one have done to create controversy in the city reason enough to eliminate the position.
But, Vote “NO” supporter Cara Kamstra says the city administrator position has been good for the city in its flood fighting efforts and she supports keeping it in place.
Nearly a hundred people have voted absentee according to the city auditor’s office. The polls will be open Tuesday, October 4 from 9am to 7pm in Valley City Hall.