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N.D.–The last week and a half to two weeks has seen quite a bit of rainfall in the area.  Stutsman County Emergency Management Director Jerry Bergquist said that rainfall north of the Pipestem and Jamestown Reservoirs has caused problems once again.
According to the Stutsman Emergency Management blog,  the Corps of Engineers created two graphs, one for Pipestem and one for Jamestown Reservoir.  The vertical side of the graph represents water elevations in feet and the horizontal portion represents the months of the year.  On each graph the Corps plotted the high elevation years: 1997 (red), 2009 (black), 2010 (green), and 2011 (blue).  The blue line is the one dangling out there in the middle of nowhere because that’s where we currently are in the timeline.
Yesterday officials closed East Lake Road from the entrance to the Island to south of Lakeside Marina. That is the second time this year the road has had to be closed.
Releases from the two have been steady since April.
Both of those drain into the James River.



(images from Stutsman Emergency Management Blog)

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